My dear friends, there’s nothing quite like enjoying Rockii tree peonies. But did you know that there’s a lot more to keeping them than meets the eye? Have you ever heard of the unique habit of tree peonies that “grows one foot and shrinks eight inches”?

When tree peonies grow, usually only the third or fourth buds on the sides will become active, while most of the upper part gradually dies. When you measure its growth, you’ll see that the area above the buds that dries out is what we call “shrink eight inches,” and the portion below the buds, all the way down to the branches, is the real effective growth.
If you prune your tree peonies in the winter and in a spot where it’s windy in the spring, it’s important to keep the two inches of lignified portion upward from the first terminal bud, all the way down to the tip. This woody or petiole acts as a protective shield, shielding the buds from the wind and cold. It’s like a devoted guardian, keeping the tree peony’s bloom safe and sound throughout the year. Because of this, tree peonies have a slow and steady growth, but they also live a long, full life. It’s said that “a flower is passed on for three generations, and the flower remains when the person leaves.” This beautiful saying captures the essence of their legacy.