Gansu Lanzhou Tree Peony Grafting for Best Results

1. Timing for Grafting Tree Peony
Gansu tree peony grafting works best when done between 20 and 25 °C. Keeping the right temperature is crucial for successful grafting and speedy wound healing. Therefore, grafting tree peonies should ideally take place from mid-September until late October. Missing the proper timeframe can harm the success of the grafting process.
2. Essential Grafting Tree Peony Tools
To guarantee a successful grafting process, it is crucial to acquire all essential grafting tools beforehand. These tools consist of tree peony scions, rootstock, a sharp knife, grafting film, tape, and rope.
3. Scion Selection of Tree Peony
Being prepared is vital to prevent any interruptions or delays throughout the grafting procedure. Lastly, choose the appropriate scion.
Choose the uppermost or side bud from robust peony branches grown in the current year when picking scions. It’s best to use these scions immediately and not keep them for too long. If unused, wrap them in wet fabric or bury them in damp sand in a cool place. Cut the scion to a length of 7–10 cm, and shape the base into a V-shape using a sharp cutting tool.
4. Choosing Your Rootstock
Either a peony or a tree peony can be used as rootstocks for grafting Gansu peonies. This is how you graft a peony. However, it’s best to use three-year-old seedling roots that are strong, at least 1 cm wide, and about 20 cm long. In contrast, grafting onto tree peony rootstock can increase survival rates and encourage strong root system growth. To prepare the rootstock, trim the top of the peony branch, make a flat cut, and shape it into a concave V-shape to optimize scion integration.
When you graft a peony onto a peony rootstock, the scion grows faster, but the root system might be compromised.
5. Tree Peony Grafting Technique
Insert the prepared peony scion’s protruding V-shaped interface directly into the groove of the rootstock. This will ensure a secure union. Next, wrap the joined area tightly with grafting film several times, securing it with twine where the film is wound. These steps complete the peony grafting process and allow for wound healing between the scion and rootstock.
6. Post-Grafting Maintenance
Finally, perform post-grafting maintenance. After grafting, it’s best to store Lanzhou peonies in a cool place. Generally, it takes about 20 days for grafts to heal. To prevent frost damage in winter, take precautions beforehand by covering grafts with film bags to maintain warmth and moisture, keeping them well-protected throughout the winter season.
It’s vital to keep an eye on the growth of the rootstock the following spring, as it can affect scion development directly. Removing any new shoots that come from the rootstock immediately is crucial. Moreover, it’s necessary to manage weeds diligently during spring growth to encourage the healthy growth of peonies.
Want to learn more about growing Gansu tree peonies?