Do you know which age rockii tree peony seedling is right for you yet? The price of Paeonia rockii seedlings is directly tied to their cultivation age and rarity. The older and rarer the variety, the higher the price. Cold-resistant Paeonia rockii seedlings in the market are categorized into three age groups: 1-year, 2-3-year, and 4-5-year seedlings.
Each age group has distinct characteristics that require different care. Therefore, it is important to consider the characteristics of seedlings from different age groups before making a choice.
1-Year Seedlings:
- Lower cost due to shorter cultivation time.
- Smaller size with lower adaptability, making them challenging for beginners.
- Not recommended for novice planters.
2-3-Year Seedlings:
- Vigorous growth during this period, making transplanting easier.
- Easier to manage than 1-year seedlings.
- Affordable compared to older seedlings (4-5 years).
- Grafted Paeonia rockii seedlings of 2-3 years can flower in the spring after autumn transplanting, making them suitable for novice flower enthusiasts. It’s advisable to let newly planted Paeonia rockii grow for a year before allowing them to bloom to ensure long-term vitality.
4-5-Year Seedlings and Older:
- Larger in size with more branches and flowers.
- More expensive.
- After transplanting, the root system may be damaged, and it is advisable to let them grow for a year before flowering to prevent excessive nutrient consumption and ensure robust growth.
- For larger Paeonia rockii seedlings, it’s recommended to transplant with the root ball for better and quicker results.
In landscaping projects where quick results, specific height requirements, and cost considerations are important, the choice of seedling age should be based on individual needs and a comprehensive evaluation of the seedling’s condition.