Woody shrub tree peonies (Rockii peony) offer distinct advantages over potted peonies. They are easier to manage, grow taller and more robust, and bloom luxuriantly with vivid colours and fragrances. And how do I plant tree peonies in my yard?
The tree peony is a sun-loving plant that tolerates cool, well-ventilated environments. It does not thrive in hot, humid climates. It prefers sandy soil with a high organic matter content and a slightly alkaline pH. Prior to planting peonies, it is essential to apply a sufficient amount of bottom fertilizer. This should be a well-rotted and fermented organic fertilizer, which can be applied using the deep-burying method. The planting soil can be enhanced with the addition of sandy soil, cake fertilizer, rotted organic fertilizer, and garden soil to create a nutrient-rich soil for planting.
Prior to planting, trim any broken or diseased roots from the purchased tree peony seedlings. Soak the roots in a diluted carbendazim solution for a few minutes and place them in a prepared pit. This will allow the roots to spread out naturally, making it easier to cultivate the soil. When planting, gently lift the peony plant with one hand to ensure the roots spread out sufficiently.
Newly planted peonies require thorough watering to establish a strong root system. Peonies are slightly drought-resistant but avoid stagnant water, especially during the rainy season. They are more prepared for waterlogging, so it is important to provide adequate drainage facilities. Typically, watering cans should be seen as dry, with no standing water.
It is recommended that the peony flower be pruned in the year of planting after sprouting, except for the five to six main branches. All other leaf buds should be removed to ensure that the flower blooms abundantly and the subsequent growth is well-formed and generous. It is sufficient to prune the thin and weak branches and withered and yellowed diseased branches in the usual manner.
The tree peony is a hardy plant that can survive the winter in the northern hemisphere. It can withstand temperatures as low as -43 degrees Celsius. There are numerous ways to cultivate tree peonies, and Long Yeong welcome your input.