Herbaceous and tree peonies are from the same family and genus. Both are buttercups and peonies. They are different species, but they are very similar. They bloom at the same time and look alike. Many people cannot tell them apart and often call one “peony” and the other “Dan.” But there are some ways to tell them apart.
Stems differences between tree & herbaceous peonies
Leaves differences between tree & herbaceous peonies
Tree peonies are shrubs with woody stems. Their stems are different from the stems of herbaceous peonies. After the leaves fall in winter, the above-ground part of a tree peony will keep its branches and will not die. On the other hand, the above-ground part of an herbaceous peony will die in winter. Its stems and leaves will emerge from the soil only in spring every year. This is the essential difference between herbaceous and tree peonies. Because of this, a tree peony is also called a “wood peony,” while an herbaceous peony is called a “boneless flower.”
Next, look at the leaves. The leaves of tree peony have a divided apex, which means they have more than one division. They are usually two-triple pinnate leaves, meaning they have three divisions. The leaves are wide, the upper surface is green and slightly yellowish, and the lower surface has a white powder. The leaves of herbaceous peony do not have a divided apex. They are narrow and long, more glossy, and there is no white powder on the lower surface.
How are root systems similar and different? Tree peonies have a well-developed root system. It is fleshy, thick, and long. Their roots are mostly deep-rooted and fleshy. These roots support the plant and store nutrients and water, enabling it to thrive. Tree Peony root systems are usually white or yellow and firm and strong. Herbaceous Peonies, however, have a relatively slender and underdeveloped root system. Their roots are clustered and grow fast, but their root systems are not as deep or extensive as those of peonies. The roots of the herbaceous peony are usually white or light brown and have a softer texture.
The above comparison clearly shows the big differences in the shapes of herbaceous and tree peonies. These differences show not only how beautiful these two flowers are, but also how they grow and what they need to survive. When you see these flowers, please pay more attention to their leaves and roots. Enjoy the special beauty that nature has given them!