—Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Joseph Rock’s Discovery

**Millennia in Bloom: From Dunhuang Murals to Global Gardens**
Rooted in the loess plateaus of Northwest China, *Paeonia rockii* (Rock’s Peony) has graced human civilization since the Tang Dynasty, its likeness etched on ancient pottery unearthed in Linxia. Renowned as one of China’s “Four Great Peonies,” this cold-hardy marvel has thrived for over a century—wild specimens tower up to 3 meters. At the same time, cultivated varieties live 80+ years, earning the title “living fossil of botany.”
In 1914, British botanist R. Farrer first documented this floral treasure in Gansu. In 1925, American explorer Joseph Rock brought seeds from Zhuoni Chanding Temple to Harvard’s greenhouses, igniting its journey into European aristocratic gardens. As we approach 2025—the centennial of this botanical odyssey—a new chapter unfolds.
**45+ Years of Dedication**
Established in the early 1980s by our grandfather, our nursery has pioneered the conservation of *P. rockii*. Today, 80% of commercially available varieties stem from our 160+ self-developed grafted cultivars. While Rock revealed its splendour to the world, we answer with three generations of stewardship:
✓ First nursery to achieve large-scale grafting of *P. rockii*
✓ 500+ acres (200+ hectares) of cultivation bases across China
✓ Withstands -43°C extremes, establishing 100-acre peony gardens in Changchun and Harbin
**To the Next Century**
Every root carries fragments of history; every new bloom continues Rock’s legacy. Join us in preserving this living poetry of nature—for true beauty is measured not in years, but in centuries.